Cuboree FAQs
These FAQs have been created to assist all participants of the NSW Cuboree to find out more about the event and what to expect.
Come and visit often as we will be adding and updating information all of the time as our plans become a reality.
About Cuboree
What is Cuboree?
It is an amazing event which brings together Cub Scouts from across NSW! The Cuboree will be Adventurous, Challenging, Inclusive and above all FUN! It is a massive learning and growth experience with youth members taking their biggest step yet towards responsible independence and learning to work and play well with others.The NSW Cuboree is a 5-day standing camp for Cub Scouts aged between 8 and 12 years. With the 2020 NSW Cuboree being cancelled due to bushfires, the last NSW Cuboree was held at Cataract Activity Centre in 2017.
In 2023 we will have approx. 1,620 Cub Scouts participating with the support of over 320 Junior Service Leaders (Scouts and Venturer Scouts), 530 Leaders and, 200 Parent Helpers and 30 carers – a huge camping city of 2,700 people!
Your Cub Scout will be well cared for, well fed, challenged, and entertained, given an opportunity to try and learn new things, and get to make lots of new friends.
Past Cuborees:
The 1st NSW Cuboree "Get Together" was held at Cataract Scout Park from 19th to 22nd April 2003.
The 2nd NSW Cuboree "Jump and Jive In 2005" was held at Cataract Scout Park in January 2005.
The 3rd NSW Cuboree "Taking Off to Adventure" was held in Newington Armory, Sydney Olympic Park in October 2007.
The 4th NSW Cuboree "Time Warp" was held at Cataract Scout Park in January 2011.
The 5th NSW Cuboree "Once Upon a Time" was held at Cataract Scout Camp in January 2014.
The 6th NSW Cuboree "Myths & Legends" was held at Cataract Scout Camp on 3rd - 7th January 2017.
The 7th NSW Cuboree "What on Earth" was to be held at Cataract Scout Camp on 5th - 9th January 2020 - Cancelled due to bushfires.
The 7th NSW Cuboree "Explore the World" is to be held at Cataract Activity Centre from 29th September to 3rd October 2023.
When is NSW Cuboree 2023?
The 7th NSW "Explore the World" Cuboree will be held from 29th September to 3rd October 2023.
Cub Scouts will arrive by coach on Friday 29th September 2023. There may be a need for a small number of remote Regional areas to arrive on Thursday 28th September 2023, however this will be communicated to those effected as soon as the bus timetables are confirmed.
The opening ceremony will be held on Friday 29th September, starting at 7:00pm.
The closing ceremony will be held on Monday 2nd October, starting at 7:00pm.
All Cub Scouts will leave the site by coach on Tuesday 3rd October 2023.
Where is NSW Cuboree 2023?
The 7th NSW Cuboree 2023 "Explore the World" will be held at Cataract Activity Centre, Baden Powell Dr, Appin NSW 2560, from 29th September to 3rd October 2023.
What is Cataract Activity Centre like?
Please visit the Cataract Activity Centre website for full details:
Cataract Activity Centre is set in a bushland setting with large open camping grounds connected by sealed private roadways and walking tracks. The site has a fenced perimeter and secured gate access. There are several permanent buildings on site, including toilet/shower blocks, bunk rooms, kitchens and dining shelters.
Cuboree uses four of the ten available campgrounds as Villages (Sub Camps) for participants. A further three of the sites are used for activities, as well as a further three dedicated activity areas being used.
We try to condense the Cuboree activities to the bottom half of the Activity Centre - but this is still an area of about one square kilometre. For safety reasons, vehicle movement on site will be limited, as everyone is expected to walk. The site is sloped, so a walk from the furthest corners of activities to the opposite corner could be up to 20 minutes for an average walker.
The site offers some tree-shaded areas, but most of the campgrounds are sparsely covered.
The camping ground at Cataract can vary from over-soft, sandy and grass areas to hard rock. Most of the ground is bare and hard.
Permanent fresh water and sewerage lines cross the campgrounds meaning all Cuboree Units can adjoin a water tap and sullage pit. However, the pipes are often close to the surface and regularly come into conflict with pegs and stakes driven into the ground.
Although power runs across the site, there is no power connection to Cuboree Unit sites. You will be experiencing unpowered camping sites. Units will usually bring solar powered lighting from their Scout Hall.
Who is running the Cuboree?
NSW Cuboree 2023 is an event run under the rules and policies of Scouts NSW.
As a Major Event, Cuboree 2023 establishes an Organising Team. The Cuboree Organising Team is supported by an advisory team including the Chief Commissioner, Deputy Chief Commissioner, a member of the State Finance Committee, the State Service Centre team and State Commissioner, to guide and advise the Cuboree Organising Committee.
The Cuboree Organising Committee are drawn from volunteer registered adult Leaders in Scouting. The Chief Director acts as the Event Manager, is supported by a Deputy and supports a team of seven Directors who in turn support larger functional teams managing the entire event.
NSW Cuboree 2023 Directors
- Chief Director: Gabie Thompson
- Program Director: Evan Romanis
- Finance Director: Matt Phillips
- Operations: Steve Wallace
- Comms and Marketing: Cecilia Jackson
- Logistics Director: Colin Turner
- Infrastructure Director: Tim Holman
- Wellbeing and Risk: Anthony Pritchard
What is a Cuboree Unit?
All Cub Scouts attending Cuboree are assigned to a Cuboree Unit.
Structure of a Cuboree Unit
A Cuboree Unit consists of:
- Roughly 36 Cub Scouts organised into six Patrols of six members.
- Units can decide how they would like to organise their Patrols, but many activities on site are designed for six Cub Scouts to participate as a team, so a traditional Patrol would include a mix of abilities, ages and interests and would be led by a Patrol Leader and Assistant Patrol Leader.
- Units are encouraged to be flexible in their Patrol organisation to allow for some special interest Patrols to be created for specific evening activities.
- Supported by 9 adults:
- Six Line Leaders:
- The Unit Co-ordinator is the Team Leader of the Cuboree Unit. They must hold a Certificate of Adult Leadership, preferably in the Cub Scout Section and must have attended a Cuboree before as a Line Leader.
- The Health and Wellbeing Leader who hold a Certificate of Proficiency, first aid (preferably) MHFA and YSA will ensure the Unit is set up and run to keep all of the members healthy and happy.
- Four Unit Leaders who hold a Certificate of Proficiency to support the Unit Co-ordinator. Units can decide exactly what role each of these Unit Leaders performs for the Unit, but Units may wish to consider:
- Activity Leader(s) who understand the program of activities and entertainment that is on offer, prepare the Unit to participate fully and provide additional program resources for use on journeys and during Unit time.
- Camping Leader(s) who ensure the equipment, camping standards and kitchen are maintained at a safe and high standard.
- Three Unit Helpers (Camping assistants) who need to hold an Adult Helper Appointment as a minimum. Units can decide exactly what role each of these Unit Helpers performs for the Unit, but Units may wish to consider:
- Catering Helper(s) who prepare and serve meals, maintain the kitchen and stores.
- Activity Helper(s) who attend the activities with their Cuboree Unit to assist those organising the program.
- Carer(s).
- Cub Scouts who require a full time carer must indicate this on their application and complete an approval process by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Such an adult carer will NOT be counted in the 6 + 3 adult allocation above but must meet the eligibility criteria and register in the same way as every other adult.
It is important that all adults attending have variety, interest and a well-paced workload. All adults involved in a Cuboree Unit must work together ahead of the event to plan and attend a pre-Cuboree (Shakedown) camp. Involving all adults with aspects of the planning and preparation will ensure everyone feels involved and has a sense of ownership.
- Cub Scouts who require a full time carer must indicate this on their application and complete an approval process by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Such an adult carer will NOT be counted in the 6 + 3 adult allocation above but must meet the eligibility criteria and register in the same way as every other adult.
- Six Line Leaders:
Unit Leaders and Unit Helpers may be involved in other aspects of planning Cuboree outside of the Unit prior to the event, but their full time focus on site is to their Cuboree Unit only.
Service Leaders and Junior Service Leaders
What is a Junior Service Leader, Service Leader or Unit Line Leader?
Junior service Leader (JSL) is the Cuboree title given to Scouts and Venturer Scouts who come to lead activities and support the Cub Scouts in their fun making.
There are criteria for being a Junior Service Leader that you can read on the website.
A Service Leader (SL) is anyone over the age of 18 that does not camp with a Cuboree Unit. They are the team that organise program, logistics, infrastructure, support services, admin and finance.
A Unit Line Leader is an adult that is assigned to camp with a Cuboree Unit and primarily looks after 36 Cub Scouts.
Who decides on what role I will have at Cuboree?
The allocation of adults to jobs at Cuboree is agreed between the Adult, the local Region Liaison Leader and the Cuboree Organising Team.
Some adults are invited by a member of the Cuboree Organising Team to assist in their team - this means you know what you are doing before you even apply.
Others will assume they will be a Line Leader - camping with the Cub Scouts - but this is not always possible. There are limited spaces for Leaders and Other Adults in the Cuboree Unit lines. The Cuboree Operations Team in consultation with the RLL for your Region will select Cuboree Unit Co-ordinators and work with them to agree the best make up of their team.
This could be based on a number of factors, including:
- Experience in a Unit Line Leadership position before at Cuboree or Jamboree
- Expertise in camping with Cub Scouts
- Relationship with Cub Scouts in the Unit from a Home Group
- Balance of leader team skill sets
It is important that the best team for the job fill the positions.
If you have not pre-selected a job and you are not assigned to camp with the Cub Scouts, you will be allocated to the Service Leader roles required for the event.
What will I do as a Junior Service Leader or Service Leader
Service Leader or Junior Service Leader
All of these participants will be assigned to a Team in a Directorate for their main work assignment. This means that, during the main working hours of that team, you will be carrying out duties required of that team. Each team is different in what it needs - and even within the team, you may have different hours and expectations from other team members. This will be explained to you by your Team Leader.
You could be assigned to any of the following:
Program Team - Ecosystem
You will be planning and delivering our core program of activities. Maybe you will be helping get Cub Scouts ready for the climbing wall, or supervising a water fight, or maybe a life guard at the water slide? Perhaps you will supervise a quiet activity, painting or a treasure hunt. There are heaps of jobs on an Ecosystem and this is where the big smiles happen! Your team leader will make sure you are trained and get some variety. Each Ecosystem runs for 5 out of the 6 activity times, so you will have a morning or afternoon off.
Program Team - not Ecosystem
The Program Team also includes our Explore the World activities - some Patrol activities running during the lunch break and early evenings based around Special Interest areas. There is also the stage/production team for the ceremonies and evening entertainment. Program also delivers some functions - so maybe you will be a waiter or door greeter?
Infrastructure Team
The Infrastructure Team look after sites and services for the whole site. Team members do everything from ensuring the site and services for our Villages keep running smoothly from clearing blocked toilets, to moving 100 tonnes of sand around, testing the quality of the water and organising our garbage collection. They work hard and they play hard. This is home to our plumbers, sparkies and site workers.
Logistics Team
The Logistics Team run our Food Services including the large Q-Store to distribute the food, a special diets team and a catering team. They also look after transport (coaches, independent travel and fleet), security and run our retails services on site and online. So maybe you will serve in the shop or drive one of our off-site cars or help keep the front gate secure, checking participants in and out.
Operations are responsible for administration, registration, Unit allocations, Cub Scout Village set out and the general operations for the Cub Scout Villages. This is a large team of people generally with a particular specialism. This team have people in offices managing paperwork, and bean counters!
Marketing and Communications
The Marketing and Communications Team look after the website management, communications to participants and digital and video content creators.
Support Services
The Support Services Team includes First Aid (St John Ambulance), Fire, Health and Medical, Emergency Planning, Wellbeing, Child Protection.
Finance Team
The finance team is responsible for the income and expenditure of the event, ensuring budgets are adhered to. They will also be managing the cash and payments for onsite sales.
What will Junior Service Leaders and Leaders do when they're not working?
Sorry, but if you are not a Cub Scout, I am afraid that Cuboree is a working holiday! But that doesn't mean you can't have some fun too…
We have plans for a range of entertainment and activities for our JSLs and Leaders.
Junior Service Leader Entertainment
- Friday night: Opening Ceremony (7:00pm, Cub-arena, Site 8)
- Saturday night: TBC
- Sunday night: TBC
- Monday night: Closing Ceremony (7:00pm, Cub-arena, Site 8)
Service Leader and Leader Entertainment
- Friday night: Opening Ceremony (7:00pm, Cub-arena, Site 8)
- Saturday night: TBC
- Sunday night: TBC
- Monday night: Closing Ceremony (7:00pm, Cub-arena, Site 8)
Other Activities
We have a bunch of other stuff for you to do as well…
Opening and Closing Ceremony
Not to be missed… join the rest of the event at the Cub-arena for the Opening and Closing ceremonies. Entertainment, displays, information and a huge join-in welcome and goodbye.
Explore the World
A range of Patrol activities will run from 12pm to 2pm on Saturday, Sunday and Monday as well as from 5pm to 7pm on Saturday and Sunday. These will focus on the Special Interest areas of the youth program, as well as badge swapping, international and heritage.
We have a Cuboree shop on site where you can browse a range of merchandise or pick up your pre-ordered items.
Details of the merchandise and the purchase process will be released in soon. Check back here for more details as the plans progress.
There will be a number of functions running at different times to celebrate our Scouting.
- Gilwell Reunion (for Leaders that have completed advanced training and are members of the 1st Gilwell Park Scout Group)
- Thank you functions
- Recognition functions
Adult only spaces
Take some time out for reflection, rest and relaxation. Any adult who needs to get away from it all for a bit, there will be a number of spaces. You are welcome at any time they are open (generally outside of ecosystem rotation times).
- The oasis
- The library
What Will We Do at Cuboree?
NSW Cuboree 2023 has a full program for you, whether you are a Cub Scout, Scout, Venturer Scout, Rover Scout, Leader or Adult Helper.
Our theme is "Explore the World!" and everything is linked to this theme. The Cuboree organising team will have activities to occupy most of your time from when you get off the coach to when you get back on again - but not ALL of the time. There will be plenty of time left to play with your friends, relax, play tricks on your Leaders and get a bit of sleep…
Cub Scouts:
- Overall program
- Ecosystems
- Entertainment
- Other activities
- Time with your Unit
Everyone else:
- Working to bring this amazing
- Opportunities to grow
- Entertainment
- Other activities
Cuboree Program
Thursday 28th September 202318:00 Some remote regional Cuboree Units begin arriving
Friday 29th September 2023
07:00 Cuboree Coaches begin arriving, Unit camp site set up
12:00 Lunch
14:00 Market Day
17:00 Dinner
19:00 Opening Ceremony
Saturday 30th September 2023
07:00 Breakfast
09:00 Ecosystems Open - Rotation 1
12:00 Lunch - Explore the World activities
14:00 Ecosystems Open - Rotation 2
17:00 Dinner - Explore the World activities
19:00 Evening entertainment activity
Sunday 1st October 2023
07:00 Breakfast
09:00 Ecosystems Open - Rotation 3
12:00 Lunch - Explore the World activities
14:00 Ecosystems Open - Rotation 4
17:00 Dinner - Explore the World activities
19:00 Evening entertainment activity
Monday 2nd October 2023
07:00 Breakfast
09:00 Ecosystems Open - Rotation 5
12:00 Lunch - Explore the World activities
14:00 Ecosystems Open - Rotation 6
17:00 Dinner
19:00 Closing Ceremony
Tuesday 3rd October 2023
06:00 Breakfast
07:00 Cuboree Units begin to depart
14:00 Site closed
What activities will be happening at Cuboree?
Eco-systems (Activity bases)
The core activities offered at Cuboree will be centred on seven epic Ecosystems.
These activity Ecosystems will run on a rotation basis from Saturday morning to Monday afternoon with each Cuboree Unit being rostered through them all.
Each Ecosystem will be open for three hours (including a morning/afternoon tea break) and geared up for activities for individuals, Patrols and the entire Unit.
The seven ecosystems are (in alphabetical order):
- Desert
- Forest
- Mountain
- Ocean
- Polar
- Savannah
- Space
For more details about what to bring to bases check out our Travel Guide.
- Explore the World
A range of Patrol activities will run from 12pm to 2pm on Saturday, Sunday and Monday as well as from 5pm to 7pm on Saturday and Sunday. These will focus on the Sustainable Development Goals, the Program, merchandise, as well as badge swapping, international and heritage.
The evenings at Cuboree are all about Entertainment…
Cub Scout Entertainment
Friday night: Opening Ceremony (7:00pm, Cub-arena, Site 8)
Saturday night: TBC (7:00pm, Cub-arena, Site 8)
Sunday night: TBC (7:00pm, Cub-arena, Site 8)
Monday night: Closing Ceremony (7:00pm, Cub-arena, Site 8)
Other Activities
We have a bunch of other stuff for you to do as well…
Opening and Closing Ceremony
Not to be missed… join the rest of the event at the Cub-arena for the Opening and Closing ceremonies. Entertainment, displays, information and a huge join-in welcome and goodbye.
We have a Cuboree shop on site where you can browse a range of merchandise or pick up your pre-ordered items.
Details of the merchandise and the purchase process will be released closer to the event. Check back here for more details as the plans progress.
Unit activities
All Cuboree Unit Leaders will be running activities within your Unit area to keep you entertained in your down time and when waiting for transport to complete.
There will be several functions running at different times to celebrate our Scouting.
- State Cub Scout Youth Council
- Peak Award function (for youth members or adults that have achieved the peak award from one of our youth sections - particularly the Promise Challenge and Grey Wolf Award)
- Thank you functions
- Recognition functions
Quiet time
Take some time out for reflection, rest and relaxation - either on your Unit site in or in one of our break-out areas.
Time with your Unit
Cub Scouts will all be living with a Unit of at least 36 Cub Scouts and 9 adults. This is where you eat and sleep - your home for the week.
It is important to spend some time with the others in your Units, so your Unit Leaders will be working on some activities to do when waiting for meals, to make shower and wash times fly by, to get you sleepy in the evening and wide awake in the morning.
The Cuboree Experience
What should I pack for Cuboree?
All gear should be packed into ONE large strong bag (consider one on wheels with a handle) and every item clearly labelled with Cub Scouts name and Unit number.
Cub Scouts will be getting dirty, wet and muddy, so old clothes are advisable - if you plan to get none of the items back, you are close to packing well!
It may be hot, cold, wet and dry.
Note: No electronic games, radios, mobile phones, lollies or food of any sorts!
- Cub Scout Uniform shirt and scarf
- 4 x Long Pants/Shorts
- 4 x Polo shirts with collars for sun protection
- 1 x Long sleeve shirts for the evening
- 4 x Warm Jumper/Hoodie
- 5 x Pair of Socks
- 4 x Underclothes
- 2 x Pyjamas - in case one gets wet
- 2 x Swimsuit (sun-smart with rash vest & board-shorts)
- 2 x Shoes/Runners/Gum Boots
- 1 x Raincoat/Warm waterproof jacket
- 1 x Sun hat (a bucket hat is provided by Cuboree)
- 1 x Beanie
- 1 x gloves or mittens
- 1 x Thongs – for showers
- 2 x Towels (Medium Size)
- 1 x Bar of Soap (bar soap is less likely to spill in a bag)
- 1 x Toothbrush and Toothpaste
- 1 x Brush or Comb
- 1 x Travel Pack Size Tissues
- 1 x Travel hand Sanitizer
- 1 x Sunscreen
- 1 x Insect Repellent (roll on, not spray)
- 1 x Waterproof bag for above
Other items you require to stay gorgeous.
- 1 x Good quality warm sleeping bag with Inner sheet or Liner
- 1 x Warm blanket - it may get cold at night
- 1 x Pillow
- 1 x Sleeping mat, Air bed (and pump) or Camp Stretcher (speak to your Unit Coordinator about the appropriate size and type for the tents that will be used)
- 1 x Teddy/Soft Toy - this is mandatory!
- 1 x Plate (Dinner Size)
- 1 x Bowl
- 1 x Mug with handle
- 1 x Knife, Fork, Spoon
- 2 x Tea Towels (check with your Unit Coordinator)
- Torch (head or hand held) with Extra batteries
- Garbage bag for dirty clothes
- Small back pack for daily use
- Water Bottle (refillable)
- Medication (if required - discuss with your Unit Coordinator regarding how this will be handled)
NOTES: If your Cub Scout is prone to bed wetting, please supply an extra sleeping bag, extra pyjamas and 4 Pull Ups.
You may pack other items, BUT REMEMBER, your Cub Scout will need to move their own bags.
Click Here to download the checklist.
Are you a Unit Coordinator wondering what equipment you should bring as a Unit? Check out the recommended Unit Equipment List.
What do I wear?
Day times at Cuboree
You will be doing a range of outdoor activities. It is important you are comfortable, but also sun-smart and happy to get messy - real messy! At least one set of clothes probably won't be worth taking home, including shoes, so keep those smelly old runners that don't quite fit! For some activities, you will need swimmers. Check out the kit list for more details.
Evening time at Cuboree
It can get very cold once the sun goes down, so make sure you have some warmer clothes to wear. If it rains… well it could be cold enough for a beanie.
Night time at Cuboree
Really important both for hygiene purposes and also to keep you warm, that you change clothes for bed. A sweaty body draws heat away from you whilst you are tucked up in your sleeping bag and can make you much colder. You may also need to get up during the night and it's a walk to the toilets. So if you don't fancy pyjamas, then trackie pants and a sweat top are ideal.
Travel to Cuboree
You should wear either your Cub Scout Uniform OR your Cuboree Unit shirt (if your Unit has one) to the Cuboree. This will make it easier for you to be spotted if you stop for lunch or when you arrive on site. We will leave this up to your Cuboree Unit to decide.
Travel home from Cuboree
To travel home, you should wear either your Cub Scout Uniform, your Cuboree Unit shirt (if your Unit has one) OR the Cuboree Event shirt home from the Cuboree. I think by the end of the event, your choices might be limited to whatever is left in your bag, so we will leave it to your Cuboree Unit to decide.
Opening Ceremony
Everyone will wear their SCOUT UNIFORM SHIRT AND HOME GROUP SCARF for opening ceremony. This shows that we all come from different places but belong to one big family.
Closing Ceremony
Everyone will wear the CUBOREE UNIFORM - CUBOREE SHIRT AND HAT for closing ceremony, with your Home Group scarf if you like. This shows that we all return home as one family from one event.
What will I be provided?
Part of your Cuboree fee includes:
- A Cuboree official polo shirt
- A Cuboree official brimmed hat
- A Cuboree event badge (which can be worn on your uniform for 6 months)
Your fee includes coach transport, food, activities and the above merchandise.
Your Cuboree Unit will organise tents, equipment and information for you.
Where will I be staying?
Cuboree is a camping experience. So you will be staying in a tent.
Cub Scout Villages (Cub Scouts, Line Leaders, Parent/Adult Helpers, Carers)
If you are a Cub Scout, you will have a tent provided to you by your Scout Group or another local Group that you are camping with. It will be a tent shared with other boys if you are a boy or other girls if you are a girl. You can’t share with any adults - especially not your parents if they are coming - how uncool would that be?!
If you are a Line Leader, then you will also need a tent. You can share with other Leaders, but must never be on your own in a youth tent.
If you are a Parent/Adult Helper, then you will also need a tent. If you don’t have one, ask if your Scout Group has one you can use. You can share with other Parents or Leaders, but can’t share with any youth members, including your own child/ren.
Caravans, trailers or similar non-tents are not permitted on the lines. They are too big, too dangerous, and just not the example we want to set. So don’t ask. Thanks!
Service Leader Villages (JSL’s and SL’s)
If you are a Scout or Venturer Scout, you will need a tent - you may have a tent supplied by your Scout Group or you may want to bring your own. Either way, step up and organise it yourself!
If you are a Service Leader, you will also need to find your own tent. You will be on a separate campsite, so don’t worry about kids and noise! If, for medical reasons, you require power , we will try to accommodate you. Please reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
What will we be fed?
Food is provided for all participants from a central supply managed by the Logistics Food Supply Team.
The menu is designed to be nutritious and provide adequate calories for all participants, recognising that the event is an active time for everyone when they will need more energy and that the weather can be variable at this time of year.
CUBOREE 2023 | |||||
Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | |
Breakfast | Cereal - Rice Bubbles and | Cereal - Rice Bubbles and | Cereal - Rice Bubbles and | Cereal - Rice Bubbles and | |
Corn Flakes, Milk | Corn Flakes, Milk | Corn Flakes, Milk | Corn Flakes, Milk | ||
Juice | Juice | Juice | Juice | ||
Bread | Bread | Bread | Bread | ||
Bacon | Spaghetti (Tin) | Sausages | Bacon | ||
Egg | Hash brown | Baked beans | Egg | ||
Morning | Chips | Cake chocolate | Popcorn | Le-snack | |
Tea | Fruit | Fruit | Fruit | Fruit | |
- Watermelon | - Banana | - Apple | - Orange | ||
- Banana | - Orange | - Watermelon | - Apple | ||
Cordial | Cordial | Cordial | Cordial | ||
Lunch | Sandwiches | Sandwiches | Sausage Sandwich | Wraps | |
Meats (sliced) | Meats (sliced) | (Street party) | Meats (sliced) | ||
Salad | Salad | Onion | Salad | ||
- Shredded carrot | - Shredded carrot | Sauce | - Shredded carrot | ||
- Fresh tomato | - Fresh tomato | Cheese | - Fresh tomato | ||
- Cucumber | - Cucumber | - Cucumber | |||
Cheese | Cheese | Cheese | |||
Lettuce | Lettuce | Lettuce | |||
Cordial | Cordial | Cordial | Cordial | ||
Afternoon | Popcorn | Le Snak, | Chips | Cake banana | |
Tea | Fruit | Fruit | Fruit | Fruit | |
- Banana | - Apple | - Watermelon | - Orange | ||
- Watermelon | - Orange | - Apple | - Banana | ||
Dinner | Butter chicken | Sausages thick | Hamburgers | Spaghetti bolognaise | |
Chicken | gravy | (beef mince) | Beef mince | ||
Spice | Vegetables | - Onion | Onion | ||
Cream | - Crispy potato | - Beetroot | Pasta sauce | ||
Mashed potato | - Corn cob (frozen/fresh | - Cheese slices | Spaghetti pasta | ||
Vegetables (frozen) | - Carrot | - Lettuce | Shredded cheese | ||
Onion | - Pineapple | ||||
- Relish | |||||
- Tomato | |||||
Cucumber | |||||
Dessert | Tinned fruit | Chocolate mudcake | Tinned fruit | Apple danish | |
Ice cream | Custard | Custard | Ice cream | ||
Juice | Juice | Juice | Juice | ||
Cub Scouts and Line Leaders
Your food is supplied via a Quartermasters Store (Q-Store) located on your sub camp. You will need to collect the food daily. Your Cuboree Unit will supply cooking equipment and a dining facility for the Unit on your Unit site. The meals will be prepared and served by your own team of adults - and maybe the Cub Scouts can help out occasionally? You will eat together as a Unit and wash your own dishes afterwards.
You will be supplied with a cooked breakfast, simple lunch and full evening meal as well as a morning tea, afternoon tea. Units coming in on Thursday night will received dinner Thursday and breakfast Friday. You will need to provide a mess kit (plate, bowl, cutlery, mug and tea-towels) unless your Cuboree Unit advise you they have a central supply.
Service Leaders and Junior Service Leaders
Your food is being fully catered for. A dining area will be set up on Site 8 near the commercial kitchen and meals will be provided via a servery. There will be a common dining facility and common dish washing facilities - you need to bring your mess kit (plate, bowl, cutlery, mug and tea-towels).
Where will we eat?
Cub Scouts and Line Leaders
Your Cuboree Unit will supply cooking equipment and a dining facility for the Unit on your Unit site. You will eat together as a Unit and wash your own dishes afterwards.
Service Leaders and Junior Service Leaders
Your food is being fully catered for. A dining area will be set up on Site 8 near the commercial kitchen and meals will be provided via a servery. There will be a common dining facility and common dish washing facilities.
Special Dietary Requirements
We have a team of people who handle our special dietary requirements.
If you need to make a query about special diets, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have a special diet, do you know about it?
Only if you have told us through the Cuboree event management system. Log on to your account and check your diet is there. You can make changes to the system up until 13st August. After that, you will need to email us.
Is my diet special?
You will receive an email from the Cuboree team regarding your diet in August. Many of the "special diets" are actually covered by the standard menu provided. A few will have some substitutes to the menu and some may just be advisory for you to avoid a particular component. Check out the details at the bottom of this page.
What can I do to ensure my special diet is met?
Three important things:
- Make sure your Cuboree online system record gives as much detail as possible about your requirements. If we don't know, we can't help.
- Talk to the cooks who will be preparing your food at Cuboree. Many of these volunteers are parents who will not have catered for your special diet before - this can cause them and you a lot of stress. If, for example, you are allergic to eggs, talk to the cooks about what this means to you - what you can eat, what you should avoid, how you manage it at home, if it is mild or severe.
- If you have a particular dietary need, bring with you at least one day's worth of food from home as dry, packaged goods. If we have not catered appropriately for you, we will resolve it in the first 24 hours - and you will have a back-up plan! If we get it right - no harm, you can take your reserved food home with you.
How will my special diet be delivered to me?
Cub Scouts and Line Leaders: If you are being provided a different meal or component for a meal to the rest of your Unit, it will be provided to the cooks with the main food delivery and labelled with your name.
Four Special Diets - Dairy Gluten Vegan Vegetarian
Service Leaders and Junior Service Leaders: Your meal will be prepared and served separately at a special diets counter in the servery. Make yourself know to the catering team at your first meal and they will provide you with full details.
Coeliac, Gluten Free and Yeast Free diets
These dietary needs require a substituted diet for many components of the menu, especially bread, pasta and some sauces. If you have elected this diet, you will receive alternatives where the menu contains wheat or yeast.
Our understanding: Coeliac disease is caused by a reaction to gliadin, a prolamin (gluten protein) found in wheat, and similar proteins found in the crops of the tribe Triticeae (which includes other common grains such as barley and rye).
Wheat subspecies (such as spelt and durum) and related species (such as barley, rye, triticale and Kamut) also induce symptoms of coeliac disease. A small minority of people with coeliac also react to oats. It is most probable that oats produce symptoms due to cross-contamination with other grains in the fields or in the distribution channels. Therefore, oats are generally not recommended. However, many companies assure the 'purity' of oats and are therefore still able to be consumed through these sources.
Other cereals such as maize, millet, sorghum, teff, rice, and wild rice are safe for people with coeliac to consume, as well as noncereals such as amaranth, quinoa, and buckwheat. Noncereal carbohydrate-rich foods such as potatoes and bananas do not contain gluten and do not trigger symptoms.
Diabetic, Low Sodium, Low Cholesterol, Low Fat, Low Salt diets
All menu items served at Cuboree cater for these diets, if eaten in moderation. Most participants who have this special dietary requirement are used to self-control of their food intake and we advise you to continue that moderation at Cuboree. The diet is portion controlled across salt and fat levels with wholesome fresh food provided.
No Seafood
We do not have any seafood on the menu for Cuboree except the sauce used in the evening meals may have trace anchovy as a small part of the ingredients list. This generally does not cause any issues for non-seafood eaters but if you are likely to have an allergic reaction to this, please let us know so an alternative can be provided, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hindu, Halal, Kosher and Religious diets
For those that have requested a specific religious diet, we will be providing a substitute where necessary to suit your needs. If you need to check we have adequately responded to your needs, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
No dairy, no egg, nut free, no lactose
These diets require an adjustment to many of the components of the Cuboree menu. If you have selected this diet, alternative menu items will be supplied to your Unit site for you. Dairy is a major component of our diet. We will provide a milk alternative where required. If this does not suit your needs, you should contact us as we may not be able to provide a suitable alternative - please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. You may wish to bring your own milk from home.
Most of our supplied food is already nut free, but there may be some snack foods that may contain traces of nuts. In this situation, a nut free alternative will be provided for you. As the site is not totally "nut-free" you should exercise the same caution as you would at work/school/home in managing your condition.
Egg is included on the menu. One breakfast in particular will contain a raw egg. Units will not receive this ingredient if they have a severe allergy on their site. Other components will include traces of eggs such as cakes and desserts. The ingredients of these components will be available to cooks when delivered so they may advise you of the contents. For severe allergies, alternative menu options will be provided. As the site is not totally "egg-free" you should exercise the same caution as you would at work/school/home in managing your condition. You should discuss the severity of your allergy with the cooks on your Unit site.
Vegan and Vegetarian diets
Most meals contain a meat component. Your diet will have a substitute product in place of meat.
Our Understanding: Vegetarian diets will not contain meat. They will contain egg and dairy products. Vegan diets do not contain milk, eggs or dairy - and the vegan may have varying levels of acceptance of those products.
Preservative Free
Mass catering and modern production methods make food preservatives a major component of providing cost-effective food. Where possible, we buy fresh food that is generally preservative free. As the site is not totally "preservative-free" you should exercise the same caution as you would at work/school/home in managing your condition. You should discuss the severity of your allergy with your Unit Coordinator and the cooks on your Unit site. The ingredients of the products are available on site for you to read should you wish.
Other diets
Many "Other" diets relate to mild food allergies such as kiwi fruit, cocoa, capsicum or soy. We have reviewed the notes you have supplied us about your particular needs and we will respond to you directly if there is a particular menu item we think will conflict with your dietary needs. You should exercise the same caution as you would at work/school/home in managing your condition. You should discuss the severity of your allergy with the cooks on your Unit site.
Some participants have a very specific dietary need that you have advised us of. We will be in touch with you directly to ensure we know your particular needs.
What if I have a Birthday when I am Cuboree?
Happy Birthday!
Hopefully we will make this one of your most memorable birthdays! We will already know this because you have included your date of birth on your application. So now you can have a birthday with 2,700 of your closest friends!
We will have a surprise or two along the way for you.
Unfortunately, your family may not be coming and so you will miss out on a family party, but hopefully they will pack some presents for you to open on the special day or will celebrate it with you when you get home.
Can I have visitors at Cuboree 2023?
There is no visitors at Cuboree and we are unable to allow visitors on to the site. Everyone on site must be pre-registered, including contractors.
We have a team established to handle a small number of guests invited for a specific purpose of function - e.g. our guest speakers at the opening and closing ceremonies, Scout Commissioners, sponsors, etc. If you wish to invite such dignitaries, please contact the Chief Director with your request: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Where can I park my car?
Cars are not permitted on site during the main event. A large carpark accessed from Baden Powell Drive near the entrance to the site is available for cars, trailers, etc. to be parked during the event. It is about 1 minutes walk from the main gate to the car park. We do not provide security in this location and the car park remains open during the event to accommodate the constant movement of people for various purposes.
Can I leave my trailers on site?
Each Cuboree Unit is permitted to leave 1 trailer on their Cuboree Unit site, as long as it is being used (eg for storage) and has a purpose. Additional trailers or empty trailers not required during the event are to be moved and stored in the main event carpark.
Will my mobile phone work?
Mobile reception is not bad for Telstra users, and not good for other providers.
If you are a youth member, consider why you need a mobile phone in the first place. You are going camping - to play with friends, have adventures and enjoy the outside. There is no power to charge your phone, so please leave the phone at home. Cuboree will not take responsibility for lost, broken or stolen devices.
If you are a parent and you are sending your child with a mobile phone because you are concerned and want to hear from them, please think carefully about your actions - read our Mobile Phones and Devices guidelines.
If you are an adult, consider that you will not have access to a power point. Cataract is renowned for having poor service coverage - especially for non-Telstra networks - and the constant searching for a service can drain that battery real fast. Do not rely on your phone.
Cuboree will not take responsibility for lost, broken or stolen devices.
Are there other Cuborees or camps I could go to?
Most States in Australia have a Cuboree style event that vary in size and opportunity depending on the size of the State and number of participants they received.
Members of Scouts NSW are welcome to attend Cuborees in other States in addition to supporting the NSW Cuboree as a first priority. As this requires inter-State travel, then the Scouts NSW policies and approvals for travelling inter-State as a Scout would apply - you should speak to your Region Commissioner regarding this procedure.
In line with the policies of other States, it is expected that participation in an Inter-State Cuboree would be in addition to supporting the NSW Cuboree.
The ACT Cuboree will be held from the 29th September to 3rd October and is being held at Camp Cottermouth in the ACT.
The Queensland Cuboree is being held in Maryborough QLD, from the 17th to 22nd September 2023.
The Victorian Cuboree will be held from the 25th to 29th September 2023 at Gilwell Park, near Gembrook, Vic.
When can I Arrive?
Members of the Cuboree organising team should refer to their director for details of pre and post event access to the site. The below guide is for participants.
The NSW Cuboree 2023 runs from 29th September to 3rd October 2023.
Participants will be arriving by coach throughout the morning of Friday 29th September 2023. Your coach departure time from home will be scheduled in August, however it is expected you will be arriving onsite before 2pm.
There may be a need for a small number of remote regional areas to arrive after 6pm on Thursday 28th September 2023, however this will be communicated to those effected as soon as the bus timetables are confirmed.
Cub Scouts will have the opportunity to set up tents and their campsite, before the first activity starts in the afternoon – a giant ‘Market Day’ where you will have the opportunity to meet your neighbours and to ‘sell’ your pre-made, market day items.
The opening ceremony starts at 7pm on Friday 29th September.
Arriving early
Unless you are part of the Cuboree organising team, you cannot arrive before the assigned time for your Cuboree Unit.
If you are an adult that is supporting the set-up of the Cuboree Unit site before the Cub Scouts arrive, details of your access to the site will be available from your Cuboree Unit Leader.
If you are part of the Cuboree organising team, please refer to your Team Leader for instructions of when your team will have access to site.
Arriving late
If you are unavoidably unable to arrive in time for the start of Cuboree, we can arrange a late entry for you. You need to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to outline your requirements so we can provide you with details on how and when to arrive. There will be no discount provided from the full fee.
Independent Travel
Cub Scouts travelling independently either to or from the Cuboree will be contacted to arrange a suitable timeslot. For safety purposes, there will be no other traffic movement permitted onsite during the coach arrival and departure times. Independent travel must be applied for before the 1st August 2023.
Setting up site
Unit Coordinators and their team of helpers can arrive early to set up the kitchen and dining shelter. Cub Scouts and non-registered under 18s are not permitted.
Unit teams will be provided with a form to register when they are arriving to set up your site. These slots will be available on Thursday the 28th September 2023. Units will set up tents, gateways and fencing on Friday when they arrive.
When can I Leave?
All participants will leave site on Tuesday 3rd October 2023 by 2pm. Departure times will be scheduled in August to ensure the most economical use of vehicles.
The closing ceremony is at 7pm on Monday 2nd October 2023.
All Cub Scouts are required to travel on the organised and approved Cuboree coaches.
International and Inter-State visitors will be contacted to discuss suitable travel arrangements.
Leaving early
If you are unavoidably unable to leave on Tuesday 3rd October, we can arrange an early departure for you. You need to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to outline your requirements so we can provide you with details on how and when to leave. There will be no discount provided from the full fee.
Leaving late
Unless you are part of the Cuboree organising team, you cannot remain on site after the assigned time for your Cuboree Unit.
Independent Travel
Cub Scouts travelling independently either to or from the Cuboree will be contacted to arrange a suitable timeslot. For safety purposes, there will be no other traffic movement permitted onsite during the coach arrival and departure times.
Camp Pack up
If you are an adult that is supporting the breakdown of the Cub Scout Unit site after the Cub Scouts leave, details of your access to the site will be available from your Cuboree Unit Leader in September.
If you are part of the Cuboree organising team, please refer to your Team Leader for instructions of when your team will have access to site.
How Will I Get There?
How Will I Get There?
The Cuboree Team will arrange coach transport for all NSW attendees. Details of the coach transport arrangements (times, locations, etc.) will not be available until August.
Independent Travel for Leaders
Line Leaders, Service Leaders and Junior Service Leaders that are required to be on site before the coach times may apply for Independent Travel.
Line Leaders (those coming in to drop off gear and set up camp for the Cub Scouts) will not be permitted on site until . Thursday 28th September and must leave on the Tuesday 3rd October. Please indicate on your registration form that this is your preferred option, and we will complete the approval.
Service Leaders and Junior Service Leaders must refer to their responsible Director regarding pre- and post- event access and stays. You will not be granted entry to site unless it has been pre-approved by your Directorate. Managers and Directors can refer to operations regarding this process.
Independent Travel for Cub Scouts
Cub Scouts must travel on the arranged and approved Cuboree coaches. For various reasons, we are often asked to make alternative arrangements, for example a family holiday on just before the event or an unavoidable overseas trip that misses the coach departures. We aim to be helpful and flexible in arranging alternative travel arrangements, which has been highly successful in the past. Please let us know in your registration process by selecting "independent travel" and adding some notes. We will get back to you with suggestions and alternatives.
Health and Wellbeing
Is the Cuboree site suitable for my Special Needs?
Cataract Activity Centre is a bushland setting. In general, the Cuboree expects the average participants to:
- Camp out in a tent
- Move around the site on rough ground
- Walk up to 1km between activities
- Use a standard access toilet and shower
- Live without electricity
- Arrive on site in a coach
If you have a specific requirement outside of these planned structures, of course you are most welcome at Cuboree, but we will need to know more about your special requirements so we can provide appropriate accommodation and facilities.
At previous events, we have successfully supported:
Cuboree is an inclusive event in keeping with our organisational aims and methods. However, do not expect that Cuboree will automatically support your special needs. Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as soon as you register to alert us to your needs so we can plan together.
What does Health and Wellbeing Provide?
The Team consists of line leaders with Health and Hygiene rolls in the Unit who also support youth members with medication, medical , intellectual , and Mental health issues .Support will be available through each Units Health and Hygiene leader.
How is Assistance provided to Youth with Medications?
The Cuboree organizing committee has agreed that all medications that can be packed into a webster pack for the event will be an explanation sheet will be sent to all youth participants.
title-"What happens to medications that can't be packed in a Webster?"
The Unit leaders will ensure that they have instructions from the pharmacist to follow. NO alterations to those instructions will be accepted.
Can my child have a medication free time at the Cuboree?
This is your decision to make , however, if this affects their capacity to cope with a changes in their usual environment , a need for the youth to be able to focus across a range of day to day camp issues and activities , you must consider the need to remain on those medications . if you do decide that your child is not to take their medications please inform the Unit Health and Wellbeing leader, so they can address any support needs. If there behaviour is beyond our capacity to manage we will be contacting the parent/carer to take the child home.
How will Leaders at the Cuboree know how to Support my Child with Additional Needs?
We are endeavouring to ensure that all of the youth have a great time at the Cuboree and any future events. We have a scout support plan. This plan is developed with the parent/carers input , home section Leader ( the person who deals the most with your child) and the Cuboree unit Health and Hygiene Leader. It identifies various issues /concerns/ needs of the youth member and informs others how to support and manage issues that may arise. A detailed information pack will be made available closer to the event.
Why do the Leaders and Others at the Cuboree need to know about my Child with Additional Needs?
We are all in an environment that in most instances we have not been able to do for some time, our Youth and Leaders may not have been able to camp prior to this event. With so many people in this situation, resilience and coping mechanisms may be stretched. The better we understand triggers and re direction strategies that can de-escalate situations the better. We will be sending out scout support plans that have been developed by the Home Section leader the Health and Wellbein leader and the parents/Carer. If you need further information, please send an email to the Director of Health and Wellbeing.
Can a carer come to the Cuboree and support and Youth Member?
The Carers are most welcome they will have to pay like all others , be approved by the Cuboree Chief and Director of Health and Wellbeing , and understand their limitations and requirements when they are at the Cuboree. They will be limited to assisting only the Youth they have been approved for this includes Parent Carers.
What if my Child needs an Epipen?
You will be sent a anaphylaxis first aid chart for you to complete and send a copy to the Health and Wellbeing Team. If your child is able to use an EpiPen and they are carrying it around with team please ensure that the EpiPen is protected from heat and readily available at all times.
What if my Child has Asthma?
You will be sent a Asthma management plan for you to complete and return to the Health and Wellbeing Team.
Will First Aid be avilable onsite?
St John Ambulance service will be available for any Major incidents , Transport is available should there be a need for more assistance. You will be kept informed at all stages. Each Unit will be able to deal with any minor First aids matters.
What if my Child has mobility issues?
We have a limited number of all Terrain wheelchairs available for the event , if your child has a all terrain capable wheelchair please bring it. Please notify the Unit and Cuboree Health and Wellbeing leaders of this and /or the need for some assistance with mobilising about the camp.
What if my Child has a Dietary issue of any type?
Our Cuboree manager of special diets will in be in contact with you regarding dietary issues if no contact has been made please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
What if my medication needs refridgeration?
Your Sub Camp HQ will have a refrigerator available for medications that require to be stored , you will need to have a separate container with the Youth Name and Unit Number on it.
Who do I contact if there are legal matters that Scout Leadership need to be made aware of?
The Director of Health and Wellbeing and the Cuboree Chief are the appropriate people to notify please check the Website for the contact details or send to the Cuboree admin email mark confidential?
Is there Child Protection at the Cuboree?
The Cuboree has Health and Hygiene line leaders in each Unit will be responsible as well as all others leaders in the unit of camp for child protection. they will be backed up by Sub Camp Health and Wellbeing Leaders. As well as on site Director of Health and Well being along with their senior team as well as access to State Child Protection Team.
What if I am sick?
Oh, please don't be! You will miss all the fun!
Sickness before the event
If you are sick in the few days before the event, consider if it appropriate for you to attend an environment where 2,700 people live closely together in a quite unsterile environment. Germs and viruses spread very quickly at major events and can create an epidemic of huge proportions. If you are not sure what is causing your upset stomach, vomiting, rash or sore throat, etc., then please do the right thing and stay at home. You should contact your Team Leader or Unit Leader immediately to let them know. If you receive clearance from a doctor, you will be able to attend later.
Sickness after the event
It is common to feel a bit off colour after such an event - the excitement, the physical and mental exhaustion, the change of diet and pace, missing the close companionship of 2,700 others… it's the post-Cuboree blues! However, sometimes it might not be and you may have picked up something at the event that makes you unwell. We would like to know in case others are also feeling unwell and it builds a picture for us and authorities. It's the same as we do if you are feeling unwell at the event.
Sickness during the event
Oh dear - this doesn't sound good. Your first check in is with your Unit Health & Wellbeing Leader or Village Sub Camp Team. They run a first aid base on site that handles cuts, bruises and general sickness. They will know who to call to get you the best care. For major first aid issues, we have St John Ambulance on site. They have an emergency ambulance based on site and access to a GP and nurse. We are also about 25 minutes from Campbelltown Hospital if anyone needs anything more. It is important that everyone reports that they are feeling unwell - particularly if they have an upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting or rashes. Sometimes an isolated incident may be part of a bigger picture if others are also feeling unwell.
Managing your medical conditions
If you have a pre-existing medical condition that requires treatment such as medication, medical aids or daily treatment, you should record this on your registration record. If you require assistance to manage this routine (e.g. you are a Cub Scout that needs to take a tablet daily), then you need to let us know so we can support you in managing this. Medications are to be packed in a clearly labelled ‘Webster pack’ by your chemist and handed to your Unit Co-ordinator or Unit Health & Wellbeing Leader when boarding your Coach to prevent the risk of other children finding them and taking them at the camp.
What if I’m having a bad time or need some help with my mental wellbeing?
Cuboree is a high-energy environment and it’s understandable that our participants get tired, overwhelmed or anxious about being in an unfamiliar environment.
We have a strong culture of watching out for each other and making sure everyone has a good time. We call this Welfare. Our welfare teams work at all levels - within Cuboree Units, at our Sub Camp Villages and across the activities. We also have professional support for the entire event.
So, if you are having a bad time or you spot someone else who doesn't look like they are enjoying themselves, let one of the leader's know and help will come.
What if my child rings and is home sick?
The best thing is to ask them to keep yourself busy: get involved in activities, make a friend and explore as much as you can. You could ask the Unit leaders to be aware if you know this is a possibility, to suggest to your Leaders and Unit to help get to each other.
if you think this may be a problem ,ask them to take a pack of cards and have games that need more than one to play. Refer them back to the Unit leaders and advise the Health and Wellbeing team through the Cuboree number
Encourage them to get to know those in the unit when they have their shakedown camps . In our experience the worst thing you can do is call home when you are feeling homesick, as it seems to just exacerbate the issues. Calling home is best when their are upbeat, excited and have had a great experience. Call the Cuboree Health and Wellbeing Team.
What if there is a need to have my sleeping bag washed at Camp?
We can arrange for the bag to be washed off site for a cost the Unit leader will ensure that this is paid for and they will be recouped when they return, by the family.
Alcohol, Smoking and Vaping at Cuboree
Can I bring and consume Alcohol at Cuboree?
I am hoping you are one of our adults…?!
No, all Scouting events where youth members are present are alcohol free.
We all have a duty of care to our youth and our colleagues and therefore it is not acceptable to bring, consume or be under the influence of alcohol on any part of the site during the Cuboree.
The nearest licenced premises is the Appin Hotel - about 10 minutes drive from site. During the main event, access out of and back into the site is controlled and restricted. During the set up and pack up of the event, adults are free to come and go as they please. However, you are reminded that you still have a duty of care to our youth and your colleagues. Anyone considered intoxicated will be refused entry to the site.
Can I smoke or vape at Cuboree 2023?
Smoking is not permitted on Scouting premises (under Scouts NSW policy), including Cataract Activity Centre and therefore is discouraged at Cuboree.
However, we recognise that smoking is a right for those over the age of 18. We therefore provide smoking areas in discreet locations around the site. These areas are established to comply with both our Scout smoking policy and more importantly with our fire prevention policy. Anyone caught smoking outside of these areas can be asked to leave the site and may be reported to the police who can issue a fine for disobeying a fire abatement order.